CoMotion 2020

CoMotion is a student-led motion graphics conference at SCAD that invites industry professionals to connect with students through portfolio reviews, panel discussions, and a student showcase. In 2020, I had the awesome opportunity to be a part of the graphic design team where I designed and animated the social media grid as well as prep print assets for the event.



I loved having the opportunity to learn from so many amazing members of the branding team for the conference. I was also an officer for the club, MOMELove, that produces the event and was able to have part in the design as well as the logistical planning to coordinate over 50 companies and 200 students!



Creative Director: José Peña

Graphic Design Lead: Anna Yang

Social Media Designer: Krysta Coates

Social Media Animators: Krysta Coates, Anna Vallario, Katherine Monday


Habitual Creatures